EDI 879 Overview

The EDI 879 document is an electronic data interchange (EDI) document known as the Price Information transaction. It serves as a standardized format for communicating price-related information between businesses. Here’s a more detailed overview:

What Is an EDI 879? 

The EDI 879 is a specific format used to convey details about pricing. It falls under the EDI standards, which provide a set of specifications for the electronic exchange of data between businesses. These standards allow for streamlined communication, reducing the need for paper-based documents and enhancing efficiency.

What Is an EDI 879 Used For? 

The primary purpose of the EDI 879 document is to communicate pricing information. This could involve initial price quotations, changes in pricing, or updates related to the costs of goods and services. The document facilitates a standardized method for transmitting these details, ensuring clarity and mutual understanding between trading partners. It might be used to inform a retailer of the price at which goods will be supplied by a manufacturer or a wholesaler, or to notify of any price changes.

Common EDI 879 Industry Usage

The use of EDI 879 is prevalent in various industries, with a particular emphasis on sectors that rely heavily on the regular exchange of product pricing information. This includes:

 – Retail: Especially in businesses dealing with a vast array of products where prices can frequently change.

 – Wholesale and Distribution: For updating price lists and informing retailers or other end customers.

 – Manufacturing: Particularly in scenarios where raw materials’ prices fluctuate, affecting the cost of finished goods.

 – Healthcare: In contexts such as pharmaceutical distribution where timely pricing information is crucial.

 Essentially, any industry that involves the buying and selling of goods and services can find the EDI 879 useful for managing price information.

Common 879 Errors


While EDI standards are designed to reduce errors and enhance efficiency, several types of mistakes can occur with the EDI 879 document, such as:

 – Transmission Errors: Issues during the sending or receiving process, which could result in incomplete data transfer.

 – Data Entry Mistakes: Incorrectly entered information by the sender can lead to misunderstandings or incorrect pricing.

 – Formatting Errors: Non-adherence to the strict EDI 879 format specifications can lead to rejection or misinterpretation of the document.

 – Misinterpretation: The recipient may misinterpret the information provided, especially if the context or reference points are not clear.

 – Version Mismatch: Differences in the EDI standards version between trading partners can cause incompatibilities or misunderstandings.

The use of EDI 879 and adherence to its standards is crucial in mitigating such errors, with many businesses implementing EDI software solutions to automate and validate data to prevent these common mistakes.

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